Tap, tap . . . is this thing on?

My last blog post was written 2 months ago and was left unpublished until today. It was my first week of training for the Chicago Marathon and here I am currently in week ten of training. There have been some really good runs in there – a 14 miler where I felt awesome the whole time – and some really bad runs in there too – like the 15 miler turned 7 miler with multiple walk breaks. I had high hopes that even though I took a loooong time off from running when I was pregnant and had my 2nd baby that my fitness would return quickly. Yeah not so much. But while my fitness level isn’t back to where it was, IĀ have been getting some regular and high (for me) mileage in.

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Graphs like these make me really, really happy. Even when I was devoted to training for my first marathon I peeked at 37 miles/week and my highest monthly running total was 128 miles. I’ve only run 320 miles this year with nearly 1/3 of that coming from lastĀ month! Here’s to hoping I can be a little more regular on blogging and actually post my training with only 8 (eek!) weeks to go until the Chicago Marthon.