Chicago Marathon: Base Building Week 4

Missing from my workouts this week – strength training. Added to my workouts this week – spin class and Pure Barre! When I can get to the gym depends on my youngest’s nap schedule, which isn’t consistent at this point. On Monday it all aligned and I was able to make it to my old spin class. I love spinning and went to this class throughout my pregnancy so it was really nice to see old friends in class and my favorite instructor. It totally kicked my butt in the best way possible! My legs and lungs were toast within minutes, and I’ll admit there were a couple of times I may have silently wished for them to call me out of class to change a diaper! I did a lot of spinning during my last marathon training cycle and I think it really helped build up my aerobic endurance. Hopefully I’ll be able to make it semi-regularly to class this cycle too.

So Pure Barre. I’ve done Pure Barre in the past and always want to love it, but never actually do. It’s hard, I feel like I can’t do the movements correctly, and it kicks my butt, but not in the enjoyable way that spinning does. . A friend had won a private Pure Barre party though and I wasn’t going to pass on a fun – and rare – night out with girlfriends. Not sure if it was the fun company or the instructor, but this was the best barre class I’ve taken. It almost makes me want to give Pure Barre another shot. Almost.

Monday: Spin Class (45 minutes)

Tuesday: 2.5 miles @8:58 pace

Wednesday: off

Thursday: 3.5 miles @9:01 pace (.5mi@9:30, 2.25mi@8:57, .75mi@8:40)

Friday: 3 miles @9:17 pace + Pure Barre

Saturday: off

Sunday: Boston’s Run to Remember – 5 miles @8:51 pace

Weekly total: 14 miles

Sunday was the Boston Run to Remember 5 miler. It was a beautiful day for running and was a fun race! Race recap to be up soon.